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Mike Brandly seeks position on NAF Board of Trustees

Writer's picture: Mike Brandly, AuctioneerMike Brandly, Auctioneer

I am currently a candidate for a position on the Board of Trustees of the National Auctioneers Foundation (NAF). I believe there are three distinct areas on which NAF should focus attention in order to reach their goals of advancing and enriching the auction community.

I call these NAF initiatives:

C-C-C Connect, Collaborate, and Communicate.

  1. Connect — NAF needs to connect with the auctioneering community as a whole — there may be upwards of 90% of auctioneers who have little idea what NAF is, or what NAF does; we need them to know who we are, what we do, and how they can be involved. This would undoubtedly lead to improving membership in NAA.

  2. Collaborate — NAF needs to find out what you, as an auctioneer, would like NAF to do. We seek to advance and enrich the auctioneering community, so what particular endeavors would do that for you? How could you help us in that undertaking? What would inspire you to contribute your stories, pictures, memories, keepsakes, and financial support?

  3. Communicate — NAF needs to publicize better, and to more people, what we’ve done; here’s what we’ve funded and where we’ve made a difference. Here’s how to take advantage of our investments — museum, website, speakers, research, etc. We need to communicate regularly by newsletter, emails, periodicals and other available media.

How am I qualified?

  1. I have been passionate about the auctioneering profession since I became an auctioneer. I’ve practiced auctioneering for 30 years, developed a school of auctioneering, taught classes about auctioneering, blogged about the auctioneering industry, and consulted in courts, with attorneys and with other auctioneers about the auctioneering industry and related legal and ethical topics all across the United States.

  2. Since becoming a life member, I’ve been an active member of NAA. I regularly post on the NAA forum, communicate with NAA staff, attend C&S and seminars, recruit other auctioneers to join NAA, and serve on committees. I am a strong supporter of NAA, as well as a grateful beneficiary. I believe the healthier NAA is, the healthier the auctioneering community will be.

  3. I love working as an auctioneer. I am fortunate to be involved in the most open, free market system on earth, where I get to help both sellers and buyers realize dreams, and get paid to do it. Even better, I am blessed to be working with some of the best people — those in the auction business.

I ask for your support at this year’s Conference & Show in Greensboro, North Carolina. I look forward to seeing you there, and as always, I’m eager to hear from you in regard to NAA or NAF.

Mike Brandly, Auctioneer, CAI, AARE has been an auctioneer and certified appraiser for over 30 years. His company’s auctions are located at: Mike Brandly, Auctioneer, Keller Williams Auctions and Goodwill Columbus Car Auction. His Facebook page is: He is Executive Director of The Ohio Auction School.


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