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Indiana auctioneer: what about an “away game?”

Writer's picture: Mike Brandly, AuctioneerMike Brandly, Auctioneer

Richard is an auctioneer. He lives in Indiana and has an Indiana auctioneer’s license.

Occasionally, Richard gets a call about conducting a personal property auction in one of Indiana’s neighboring states:

  1. Ohio

  2. Michigan

  3. Kentucky

  4. Illinois

What would Richard need to do in order to conduct an auction in one of these states? Here, we’ll take a look at each one, speaking generally for any Indiana auctioneer. For most situations, the prudent step for Richard (and any Indiana auctioneer) would be to secure a license by reciprocity (rather than going through the traditional in-state process from “scratch.”)

All the license states contiguous to Indiana (Ohio, Kentucky and Illinois) have reciprocal agreements with Indiana. As such, an Indiana auctioneer can secure an auctioneer’s license in any of these states without taking a test or completing an apprenticeship. Instead, there is simply a fee and associated paperwork.

In most cases, some sort of paperwork will be required from Indiana. Such can be secured from the Indiana Professional Licensing Agency, Attn: Auctioneer Commission, 402 W Washington Street, Room W 072, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204, Phone (317) 234-3040,

Ohio: (Reciprocal license)

  1. Application (

  2. Proof of license for at least one year (residency is not required) or two years and 12 auctions if from Ohio

  3. Letter of Good Standing from license state

  4. $25,000 bond

  5. $200 fee ($100 fee if half-way through 2-year term)

  6. Typical license issued: 3 days

  7. Contact: Ohio Department of Agriculture, Auctioneer Program, 8995 E. Main St, Reynoldsburg,OH 43068, Phone: (614) 728-6240, Fax: (614) 728-6328, Email: auctioneer@agri.ohio.govPer §4707.07 (D); §4707.12; §4707.13


  1. No license required

Kentucky: (Reciprocal license)

  1. Application (

  2. Licensed for at least one year in Indiana (Indiana residency not required)

  3. Letter of Good Standing or License Certification

  4. $230 fee, $130 renewal

  5. Typical license issued: 3 days

  6. Contact: KY Board of Auctioneers, 9112 Leesgate Rd, Suite 5, Louisville KY 40222, Phone (502) 429-7145, auctioneers@ky.govPer KRS 330.095

Illinois: (Reciprocal license)

  1. Application (

  2. You must be 18 years of age

  3. You must have graduated from high school or its equivalent (e.g., G.E.D)

  4. You must hold a current license, in good standing from Indiana

  5. $200 fee

  6. Typical license issued: 4-6 weeks

  7. Contact: State of Illinois, Illinois Department of Financial and Professional Regulation, Division of Professional Regulation, 320 West Washington Street, Springfield, Illinois 62786, Phone: (800) 560-6420 (9) Per 225 ILCS 407/10-45

In addition to reciprocal licenses, many states offer other “special, one-time, temporary and/or limited” (and the like) types of licenses. For instance:

  1. Michigan allows auctioneers use of the title “Registered Auctioneer” by submitting an application and fees, but this registration is not required to conduct auctions in Michigan.

  2. Indiana offers temporary and provisional licensing, as well as special licensing treatment for military service and military spouse applicants.

  3. Ohio offers a “one time” license which can be issued with the proper form, fee, bond, consent to service and experience.

As well, in most all license states, there are auctioneer licensing exemptions. Such exemptions typically include some nonprofit/charity events, selling your own property “not acquired for resale,” and Internet auctions.

Additionally, there are many states which do not prohibit nor supersede local, township, county, village or city licensing for auctioneers. It’s always prudent to check all licensing requirements.

How does Indiana accommodate auctioneers in Ohio, Michigan, Kentucky and Illinois? Can an auctioneer from one of these states get an Indiana reciprocal license? Indiana’s requirements are as follows:

Indiana: (Reciprocal license)

  1. Application (

  2. Resident of state with reciprocal agreement/license

  3. Letter of certification from license state, certifying that they are duly licensed, affirming their residency, date of issuance and expiration of license

  4. $70 fee

  5. Typical license issued: Next day

  6. Contact: Indiana Professional Licensing Agency, Attn: Auctioneer Commission, 402 W Washington Street, Room W 072, Indianapolis, Indiana 46204, Phone (317) 234-3040, 812 IAC 1-1-18 and 812 IAC 1-1-35 (a)(3)

Lastly, it is fair to say that anyone can act as an auctioneer in any state given political or judicial connections. For example, a court order almost always supersedes licensing regulations. And/or, say the Governor wants someone “licensed” right away, and without the normal prerequisites … but these exceptions to the rules are very rare.

Mike Brandly, Auctioneer, CAI, AARE has been an auctioneer and certified appraiser for over 30 years. His company’s auctions are located at: Mike Brandly, Auctioneer, Keller Williams Auctions and Goodwill Columbus Car Auction. His Facebook page is: He serves as Adjunct Faculty at Columbus State Community College and is Executive Director of The Ohio Auction School.


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