Bidding with a contingency … a higher bid?
What exactly does selling at absolute auction mean?
Christie’s manifestly unreasonable terms and conditions
Is it ever legal to retract your bid?
Some implications of the UCC 2-328
Absolute but soliciting pre-bids?
I drove … miles and the auction is canceled?
Changing the “type” of auction
Auctioneer’s absolute right of withdrawal
It’s “swart” to have a meeting
How long of a delay is considered a withdrawal?
Can you have an absolute online-only auction? Should you?
The withdrawal at absolute auction
Your bid is irrevocable?
The UCC 2-328 and the withdraw’s missing noun?
Seller withdrawal; excessive penalties
Auctioneer says you can withdraw with penalty?
Seller withdrawal or auctioneer withdrawal?
Selling choice (or a right) in an absolute auction?
Online ownership prior to auction?