“Sold!” to the previous bidder
The 15 most misunderstood things about the UCC 2-328
Can an auctioneer reject an offer?
When, exactly, can the auctioneer take his commission?
Auction contract binding upon who?
Auctioneer can’t sell items prior to auction?
Auction contract with binding (or nonbinding) arbitration
Auctioneer says you can withdraw with penalty?
Seller withdrawal or auctioneer withdrawal?
The 29 things that should be in an auctioneer’s contract with a seller
Hiring an auctioneer?
Obligate backup bidder until high bidder signs?
Must the seller be at the auction?
Orderly conduct of the auction process?
Selling yourself, then their property …
When & Where: The UCC 2-328 applied to real estate
Customary closing is … the price?
Sold! Subject to seller’s approval?
Ringman & Bids
Never reopen the bidding?