Misleading auction advertising
As an auctioneer, I have written 1,000’s of auction advertisements. As Executive Director of The Ohio Auction School, I have taught...
Misleading auction advertising
Bid calling in the United States differs from England
Why didn’t it sell at auction?
Better Mind Your Bidders
Does one auction purchase spur another?
Is maximizing the absentee bid proper?
Does order of sale matter?
Old English Auction Case Law
Auctioneer says sold for wrong amount?
Auctions & Holidays
What is a Penny Auction?
Should the reserve be disclosed?
Item at auction is, but maybe not?
Two auctioneers book the same auction?
Auction or sale?
What is shill bidding?
Auctions & the sense of touch
Auction Kings: A Venetian Mirror
Madoff Auction: Sold against?
What is the difference between an auctioneer and a bid caller?