The auctioneer-hiring-another-auctioneer contract
In situations such as this, it is customary for the primary auctioneer to maintain his (or her) relationship with the client(s). Then,...
The auctioneer-hiring-another-auctioneer contract
More than it’s worth?
As-is with the emphasis on “is”
Commercially reasonable auctions
21 ways auctioneers denote age
Auctioneer clause concerns
Contract terms counter to law
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Supply sophism
Auctioneers and D U S T
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Auctioneers and the seller’s identity
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We’re selling the shelf and giving you the …
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Do buyers find property or does property find them?
It’s easy to become an auctioneer, but …
Credit card (surcharge) mess for auctioneers
Disregarding the client