Conspicuous auction disclaimers
Technically, the UCC § 2-316 says that certain disclaimers must be conspicuous and other disclaimers possibly do not. However, laws such...
Conspicuous auction disclaimers
We shouldn’t let bidders retract their bid?
“AS IS” and who’s the buyer?
Are you selling “AS IS” or “as is?”
As is — what it is and what it isn’t
No sale and that “second auction”
Bidder know? Hear? Understand?
Bidders — buyers — “ghosting” auctioneers
Auctioneers and personal choice
Auctioneers, video / audio recording
Create your own marketplace?
Auction bidders and “inquiry notice”
Online bidding platforms and DDoS
Sell absolute and end up in court?
Disclosing stigmatizations?
Is that really the seller bidding?
Can an online auction platform be too easy to use?
Auctioneers, the law says … and
Which is better for the seller? Absolute? With reserve?
National Auctioneers Association makes data ownership statement