“As-is” it is represented?
But in reality, despite this disclaimer, the more accurate phrase might be, “You’re buying today as-is as I describe the lots for sale.”...
“As-is” it is represented?
Auctioneer non-compete clauses
Auction scheduled and auctioneer dies …
Does a bid number grant the right to bid?
Selling the discount and/or the value?
Auctioneers should join
Toto, I’ve a feeling we’re not in Kansas any more
Can auctioneer take seller bid unknowingly?
Large auction crowds, busy restaurants and relevance
#AuctionsWork #onlyatauction #NAAPro
Auctions with “market support”
Auctioneer regulation authoritarianism
Auction bidder drunk, high, or otherwise impaired?
Licensed auctioneers and their small voices
Is there “danger” in the auction industry?
Auctions with shared costs
Auctioneers: always written contracts
What did your attorney say?
National Auctioneers Week
Fiduciary duty in auction marketing