Auction [house] breakage
It sold for $33.2 Million on November 7, 2007 at Sotheby’s in New York. For purposes of our discussion today, let’s say someone broke it...
Auction [house] breakage
Auctions and the intention to sell
Bid calling is just numbers?
Auctioneer clause concerns
Contract terms counter to law
When, exactly, can the auctioneer take his commission?
Auction contract binding upon who?
Auctioneer says you can withdraw with penalty?
The 29 things that should be in an auctioneer’s contract with a seller
Must the seller be at the auction?
Discussing commissions with competitors
Selling yourself, then their property …
What is collusion at an auction?
Selling for less than the reserve?
Can the auction bidder waive rights granted under state law?
Can the auction seller waive rights granted under state law?