“With” or “without” reserve
Auctions are by default “with reserve” unless explicitly denoted as “without reserve” in 49 states. In Louisiana, it’s the opposite, as...
“With” or “without” reserve
Reserve auction needs reserves?
Auctioneer reserves the right to reject any bid?
Auction bright lines and a noteworthy footnote
What makes any auction work?
Regardless with a suggestion?
Absolute auction? Nope.
Courts interpreting “explicit”
Absolute auctions and “de minimus”
Using “absolute” to define a reserve?
Explicit bright lines and auction malpractice
Types or versions of auctions?
A fixed amount of buyer’s premium?
Is a with reserve auction better for the seller?
Seller wants to (should) sell absolute …
Your seller “seeing the market?”
Absolute, but we might not close
Seller bids to raise prices, not to retain title
You don’t conduct absolute auctions?
Sell absolute and end up in court?