The initial bid at an absolute auction
While it is important to note that a few of those states have slightly modified that same state law, all those states basically operate...
The initial bid at an absolute auction
Selling choice in an absolute auction?
Auctioneers and appraisal fairs — the age of items
Bid calling calories
The net effect of the buyer’s premium
Can auctions be hypnotizing?
The faster you sell them …
With reserve auction choices
Why is auction case law important?
How are auctioneers paid?
Can friends commit bid rigging?
We bid via the Internet. We experience live auctions.
Auctioneers who smoke?
Auctioneers and mouth breathing
What is auction fraud?
How does an auctioneer quiet a noisy crowd?
Auctioneers & Deconstructing the Deal
Internet Auction Calendars
Misleading auction advertising
Bid calling in the United States differs from England