Auctioneer says, “I’m just bid calling …”
You can charge a buyer’s premium …
A BP is not a disservice to a seller
Auctioneers, 501(c)(3)’s, Firearms
White-label platforms outperform marketplaces?
Auctioneers … what are you thinking?
Does the UCC [§ 2-328] only apply to “auctioneers?”
We don’t sell those so we … throw them away?
More on auction contract assignability
United States v. Barry D. Dyer, Mackie E. Shelton
Are bid-calling contracts potentially assignable?
Auction bid calling creates contracts
Auctions and a “level playing field”
Should “US” sell only to “US?”
The importance of talent
Except whatever else we express?
An auctioneer did (and didn’t) do something?
Bid-less minutes and urgency
We’re selling your property for “no fee?”
Auctioneers “embracing” technology