The ATF Rul. 96-2 Confusion
In the United States, the Federal agency known as the ATF (Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives) within the United States...
The ATF Rul. 96-2 Confusion
Seller commission or seller premium?
Auctions & the 1866 Civil Rights Act
Auction bidders just sitting there?
Are you offering or inviting offers?
Does the place matter?
Stopping an absolute auction
Auctioneers & the Statute of Frauds Part III
Produce auctions
Auction Kings: “It’s worth.”
Auctions and weather
Auctioneer doesn’t pay full price?
Auctioneer buys and then …
Auctioneer hangover
That has sentimental value
Bid calling is just numbers?
We’ve always done it this way …
Can an auctioneer refuse a higher bid?
The Auctioneer’s Prayer