Auction disclaimers with irreconcilable conflicts Kurt R. Bachman, Attorney and Auctioneer with Beers...
Auction disclaimers with irreconcilable conflicts
Why are we looking for “tie bids?”
Are auctioneers “hired guns?”
Online auctions and shipping times
Teaching other auctioneers
Bid from the comfort of your home or office
Buy this at auction and …
Are we making it harder or easier to buy at auction?
Do auctioneers perceive themselves as ethical?
Bid calling and the mailbox rule
Auctioneers and nose congestion
Crazy auction terms and conditions?
Cold weather bid calling
Auctions and contract symmetry
Auctioneers and the first right of refusal
Auction theft or an auction unpaid?
Are competitive pre-auction bids pre-auction?
Possible risk with assigning risk
I’d rather buy from Amazon than at auction; is it any wonder?
Puffing or representing while bid calling