The Kentucky “Tie Bid” mess
Just get it online, no matter the platform?
Auctioneers & force majeure clauses
Will there be no more live auctions?
Can an auction result constitute price gouging?
Online bidding and wire fraud
Absolute auction … and how many bidders is enough?
So you’re still having live auctions despite a pandemic?
Does auction law have to catch up with technology?
Auctions and a pandemic
Buyer’s premiums and the backup bidder
Ritchie Bros. & buying with (more) confidence and this “other site”
Ending times & soft auction closings
Who is a professional auction seller? Buyer?
Better to be lucky than good?
So you’re telling me I can’t rely on anything you say?
How does an “absolute” auction not sell?
10 things to know when bidding on your first online auction
Who is easier to charge — seller or buyer?